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Awash in rich colors, our soulful Purple Grackle Bar is a highbrow Southern hideaway offering imaginative cocktails and an all day food menu.


Drink Menu


Stay tuned for our new bar food menu.

"Inspired by Julia Reed, who was a very dear friend of mine for many years, we dreamed together of opening a bar named the Purple Grackle. Hanging in Julia's mother's home in Greenville, Mississippi, was a John Alexander painting of a purple grackle, for which she had a great fondness. Julia and John shared a love of art, nature, and culture, and many of John's paintings became a part of Julia's collection. I am glad to share a collection of them here. I know she would have been so happy sitting in this bar, unofficially named the Purple Grackle in her honor and reveling in our dream, toasting to the good life with a scotch, straight up. Many cheers to Julia." - Chef Link